Thursday, July 27, 2017

Appointment With My Neurosurgeon

I finally got to go to my neurosurgeon (whom I also consider my neurologist). I've been going to him since I was thirteen, and he knows every symptom, ache and setback I've had due to my Hydrocephalus. He prescribed a routine CT Scan, (I prefer those to MRI's because the noise scares me. lol) and a follow up appointment in September.

Friday, July 14, 2017


I know I'm super late to this party, but better late the never. A tale from my childhood with a faery cast and lore. I found myself gravitating to these characters more than I did to their counterparts. 

The female lead is kickass and vulnarable, the lead male is dreamy, but a bit shady in my opinion. I can't wait to see what happens in books 2 + 3.

Friday, July 7, 2017

More Writing!

So... As of now I have 17 chapters with a whopping 102 pages! I've got chapters from my protagonist, from my villain, and now the love interest. I might go back to the villain's perspective depending on where the story goes. My villain is twisted. Really. But she's interesting to write. I can't wait to see what happens next!

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Lord of Shadows Reaction (just thoughts, no spoilers)

So... I finished reading Lord of Shadows a few days ago. I wasn't able to post my thoughts on it because it left me a mess of tears and ensuing numbness, and I just could NOT process it. Cassandra Clare indeed loves to:

1- Inflict horrible pain upon her characters.

2- Watch us suffer horrific amounts of pain.

3- Toy with our emotions.

I was crying for a while as I was finishing it, and it was not pretty. (If you read it, you know why). My advice to those that haven't read this book, are in the middle of said book is to prepare yourselves for the inevitable pain.

Seizures. Not always what you think.

 I think everyone has had an encounter with an active seizure at least once in their life, and if they haven't, they should at least be ...