Thursday, October 26, 2017

Hurricane Season

As most of you have heard, Puerto Rico has been hit by two storms, and suffered greatly. (The last of which was the worst. Resulting in a month without light or water for some). This has left a lot of people homeless, and forced them to leave the island in hopes of rebuilding their lives. I only lost material things (my grandmother's porch came out of its socket, and my computer is on the fritz. I've been writing my story in a notebook.) Can I win a Twitter contest for one pls??? Just kidding. (please)  I've seen a lot of people downplay the situation, and that's okay if you're trying to move on from it, but I've also seen people attack those that have suffered, and that is just not right. How many disasters do we have to face before we empathize with others? Can't we support one another without having gone through similar situations? Can't we forget ourselves just a little, and think about those in need? 

I'm sincerely thankful to all of those who have come to our aid. You have no idea what it means. 

Seizures. Not always what you think.

 I think everyone has had an encounter with an active seizure at least once in their life, and if they haven't, they should at least be ...