Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Hydrocephalus and Memory

 One of the many consequences of Hydrocephalus is memory loss. This is because most of the operations the condition requires is brain surgery. 

The loss can be gradual, you forget details and small bits of things, but it can algo develop into full blown forgetfulness, where you feel like you lose whole parts of your day in the blink of an eye. This can leave you feeling helpless and useless, but you have to keep going. 

Use planners, set up alarms, take pictures of where you put things so that it's less likely that you'll lose track of them. I know it's an annoying and frustrating pain in the butt. Do anything you can to help yourself.

Friday, March 11, 2022

Why is pain so difficult to quantify/categorize?

Pain is something that should be measured individually. 

While there are pain scales that help explain the varying degrees of what a person can feel, you also need to consider that person's tolerance for said pain. 

Maybe you're talking with someone that has been dealing with this pain for most of our life, and because of that, we can become used to it. But that in no way means that we don't feel it. 

When you ask us how strong the pain is, we can answer with low numbers, because we are just that accustomed to feeling that way, but if you'd ask someone that wasn't used to that kind of stress, they'd react completely differently. 

Seizures. Not always what you think.

 I think everyone has had an encounter with an active seizure at least once in their life, and if they haven't, they should at least be ...