Saturday, July 21, 2018

My Mental Blanks Have a Name!

Ever since I can remember, I've had to deal with Mind Blanks, wherein my brain will suddenly erase what I'm thinking or trying to process at the moment, leaving behind a sense of loss, and an inability to focus. 

Growing up, I always thought they were "normal" for me after all the surgeries I've had. A friend of mine cleared this up for me though, and helped me put a name to what happens to me. Absence Seizures. 

Yes, seizures! 

While they're happening I'll feel THE FOG, which completely takes over my brain and doesn't let me think clearly, which leads to slower movements, slow reaction times, etc. I will also stare into space from time to time. 

In my case, they can be mild, as in "Oops, I forgot something" (these last only seconds) or the whammy (which can leave me feeling out of place for the whole day), where I'll feel like a veil has been placed on my mind, blocking out all thought, and make it impossible to focus.  

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Seizures. Not always what you think.

 I think everyone has had an encounter with an active seizure at least once in their life, and if they haven't, they should at least be ...